
Owner Trisha Condra-Harris has loved fashion from a young age, always interpreting trends in a way that felt right for her personally. Throughout her 25 year career in product development for both specialty and national retailers, Trisha developed a unique eye for style and design.

After spending so much time developing brands and collections for others, Trisha was ready to open a boutique of her own. With the encouragement and support of her husband, Tolly, Trisha took the leap to leave her corporate career and open Ta’Vie.

from the owner


I always loved how different looks helped me express myself and how each one made me feel when I put it on. The perfect dress for that party or wedding, the great power outfit for that presentation I had to give or that individual expression of myself I made daily.

Every day can bring different emotions and feelings to each of us, and our clothes, the way we dress, can often help us convey those feelings. Style is personal and individuality is what makes us who we are, expression of these through our ‘look’ is what style means to me.

— Trisha Condra-Harris